Activity/Playing/Training Behavior Product Recommendations Toys

Best Cat Toys: Yeowww!® Catnip Products

Raise your hand if this has happened to you: You find the coolest cat toy ever. It’s amazing. It’s got feathers. It says it has catnip. It’s everything your cat could want and more. You excitedly bring it home, pull it out of the bag, give it to your cat and … he walks away […]

Thinks & Blinks

Why Cats Hide & How to Help

Why cats don’t like to be held when they’re scared.

Behavior Kitty Kare Korner

How to Destress Your Cat for Vet Visits

What you need to know to transport your kitty to the vet.

Behavior Foster Diary Health

Foster Diary: The Mystery of Sprinkle’s Hormones

When I picked up Sprinkle, I thought I was just getting a moody cat with a raccoon tail that needed socialization. She had been through a lot over the past few months. Her family was evicted from their home and she was taken to ACCT Philly. At one point, she was lost in the ceiling […]

Aggression/Anxiety/Fear Handling Health Lucy Chronicles

The Lucy Chronicles: Cat Acupuncture

How animal acupuncture works and what to expect during a session.

Cancer GI Disease Health

Pet Cancer Part V: Surgery & Chemo

Learn about my cat’s experience fighting cancer, from a very involved 2nd surgery to 5 rounds of chemo, and how we both came out of it stronger and better than ever!

Cancer Health

Pet Cancer Part IV: Raise Funds & Financially Plan

Discover the different ways you can raise funds and financially plan to help with cancer treatment for your pet.

Cancer Health

Pet Cancer Part III: Treatment Plan & Decisions

Your pet is diagnosed with cancer, then what? You see a veterinary oncologist who presents a treatment plan to you. Do you treat him? This entry is the third in my pet cancer series, and I’ll break down Vito’s treatment plan, and what factors I weighed to make a decision regarding treatment. I hope my […]


Pet Cancer Part II: Fibrosarcoma

Pet cancer is scary, but you aren’t in it alone. For cats, the most common cancers are feline lymphoma and feline injection-site sarcomas (ISSs). Vito had fibrosarcoma, which is vaccine-induced, so that’s what I’ll discuss here. And before you pull out your pitch fork, please read this entry in its entirety and DO NOT stop […]